Friday, July 22, 2011

I know that this may be a shock to y'all. . . Two posts in two days!  haha! Any way. . .
So last night we found out that Joan and Derrick had to have "imunizations" (I have no idea how to spell that)  so that DHR would approve us to come home.  No one knew where the records were so we were thinking that they would just have to get the shots again.  Well this did not make me happy because last time they had shots, Derrick threw up.  So, that night I prayed very hard that Joan and Derrick would not have to have shots.  The next morning, we got up and drove to the doctor's clinic where Joan and Derrick would get the shots.  Well, mom was worried about them having the same shots twice.  Since we didn't have the records, we had no way of knowing what they had and hadn't had.  She explained all this to the nurse and she said that they couldn't give them any shots because they didn't know what they had already had.  So. . . Joel called his friend, and some how they found both Joan and Derrick's records.  So we went to pick those up.  The only problem was that Joan's name on her record wasn't Joan.  It was Shaquira.  Let me tell ya. . . Joan is not a Shaquira.  Joel thinks that when Joan was born, her mom was living with a man that wasn't Joan's father.  So. . . that man named her Shaquira.  But when Joan's father found out about Joan, he changed her name to Joan.  So we had to get the whole name thing fixed.  Also, The documents were falling apart, so we wanted to just get all the information put onto new cards.  So.  our driver, Kenneth, took the records to be re-written, and my mom Joan, Derrick and I went to the American Embassy to pick up the visas.  We got there and Joan sat peacefully in my lap the whole time, and mom had Derrick.  She was holding him down.  He was being bad, but not as bad as he's been before.  We were actually early to the appointment, which was good because my mom had accidently skipped a part of the paper work.  After she finished that, we all waited outside.  about 20 minutes later, Frita (the lady who works at the American Embassy, walks out holding two very large packets.  We got the visas!!!  We talked to her for about 5 minutes.  She was very nice.  Then we went to the car.  kenneth had gotten back with the new records and we were good to go.  
It was about lunch time, but we wanted to go tell the kids at Rays of Hope good bye.  I got i don't know how many hugs from all of the kids.  And yes. . . i cried.  After telling all of the kids good bye, we went to eat at Cafe Roma.  Before we ate, mom took pictures of the records and emailed them to our social worker.  It was still really early in America so we ate and them mom checked her computer and the social worker said that she had gotten it and she was sure that this would be good, and that DHR would give us the approval letter.  After we all finished eating, we went to the super market and bought a bag of rice, a bag of sugar, a bar of soap, and some tea for each teacher at Rays of Hope.  She had promised them teacher appreciation. After we bought all of that, we went back to Rays of Hope and delivered all of the stuff to the teachers.  Joel also told mom that he would stop caning the kids.  he said that he would find a new, less painful, way to punish them.  So mom got to break the news to the kids.  They were all very excited.  So we left Rays of Hope for the last time this year.
Later today, Joan and I went and got ice cream.  Derrick couldn't come because he was bad at the Embassy.  I really enjoyed my ice cream with Joan.  It's nice not having to find something to talk about.  :)  We are down to two more nights in Africa!  I can't wait for our whole family to be back together again!

P.S.  If you are interested in sponsoring a child, you can contact me on facebook.  :)

Prayer Requests:
1)  That each child at Rays of Hope will not go hungry, or be harmed.
2)  That those being called to help, will have the courage and the faith to help.
Remember. . . God listens to prayers!

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